Do you simply want to develop your psychic and healing abilities?
And expand your knowhow of shamanism, magic, tarot, manifestation, mindfulness, meditation and more…
Maybe even become a Spiritual Facilitator?

Then you have come to the right place! Join in for 1, 4 or 8 months, plus breaks.

Join for a month and learn the basics of shamanism and it’s wonderful tools as well as useful techniques. Discover the Dream World and how to travel there safely. You will be able to practise shamanism on your own after participating, and know how to develop your own power.

Furthermore, acquire simple methods on how to protect and heal yourself as well as others, and learn how to center and calm yourself at any time.

Facilitator: Susan Florries – Spiritual Facilitator, shamana, storyteller

Join for four months + breaks and learn all of the above, as well as various forms of magic, how to manifest from the heart, what the Law of Attraction really is and it’s limits and how to evolve as you manifest. Get to know the basics of tarot, how to take care of your energy, body and soul as well as great meditation techniques.

Expand your knowledge of shamanism and learn how to travel into the beyond and back, as well as how to use your travels for all from magic to insight and healing. And finally, open up to friendly beings from other dimensions and learn how to interact and communicate with them.

Facilitator: Susan Florries – Spiritual Facilitator, shamana, storyteller
Guest lecturer: Daniel Schatzdorfer – Dance Master, Kung Fu practitioner, workshop and men circle facilitator, artist and musician

Join for eight months + breaks and learn all of the above and take it to the advanced level. Expand your knowledge of the various dimensions, how to heal with all from your voice to your mind, heart, focus as well as your larger Being, how to handle all kinds of beings and entities from other dimensions, good or bad, and how to keep your health and integrity on all levels while doing all of the above.

Evolve into a medium and find out how to help lost souls. Become a master of reading cards of all kinds and on how to transform energy. Be a conduit of the lifeforce of the Universe and flow with love, effortlessly… And so much more that cannot be put in words…

Facilitator: Susan Florries – Spiritual Facilitator, shamana, storyteller
Guest lecturers: Mona al Gaia – Multidimensional vocal medium, healer with voice, mentor for vocal mediumship and vocal awareness for self-determination
Lorraine Voss – Medicine woman, author and spiritual warrior

Shift into Power is an online course which will start on the 18th of November 2024 and continue into 2025. Participants can join the course during 1, 4 or 8 months, plus breaks. In the latter two alternatives, private sessions and exchange with other attendees is included. The course language is English, with the possibility to ask questions in Swedish, German and Spanish.

We will take a deep dive into all from shamanism, Shamanic Breathwork and communication with beings from the beyond, to meditation, mindfulness, manifestation, magic, healing and tarot as well as oracle cards.

The whole journey is about you to stepping into your power. The knowledge shared is based on years of practice and deep know-how, but still to be seen as inspiration. All interactions and the sacred space of the course is held with true love and pure intent.


The curriculum and the style of teaching will vary from all from deep and serene to humourus and entertaining. It will be full of practice and useful methods as well as spiritual knowledge, some of which comes straight from the soul, spirit and mind of the facilitator Susan Florries (see below). Also contemporary life sciences, theoretical physics and similar will be a vital part of what is shared and discussed. Furthermore, there will be guest lectures by three different, professional spiritual teachers and healers.

We will touch upon complex matters with the intent of allowing an understanding to grow organically in each participant. There will be traditional know-how and methods, but also, from time to time, thought provocing, fresh perspectives and creative practises. The vocabulary of the course will vary, but there will be an emphasis on using a contemporary touch, so that the material is more accessible to all participants.

Modules, blocks and pricing

Here below a list of all the modules of the course, divided into 5 blocks and in time order. Some are more extensive than others, particularily those in block 4-5. Each module contains at least one workshop with practical elements, sometimes also a lecture and a sharing circle and/or a round of Q&A. If you miss something, a recording will be available for 2 weeks. A PDF with the full course curriculum will become available soon.

The course is possible to attend on the side of full time work or studies.


The basics


The Flower Meditation


Shamanic Breathwork

– smudge, cleanse,
heal and sooth

Shamanic Dream Journeys
– there and back again


Everyday Magic, awareness and focus

– grounding and connecting

Everyday Magic

Discussions on and critique of
certain aspects of the
so called Law of Attraction

Space holding, focus and
body awareness
with 2 workshops held
by Daniel Schatzdorfer

Energetical Health


Manifesting, Fairy Magic and psychic abilities

Shamanic Dream Journeys
– the power of imagination

The Butterfly Journey
– gentle but powerful manifestation

The basics of Tarot

Fairy/Nature Magic
– playful but efficient

– liberation

Interacting with friendly beings
from the beyond


Shamanism, esoterics and seeing beyond

– frequencies and the flow of energy
with 2 workshops held
by Mona Al Gaia

Integrity and self awareness
here and in the beyond

Advanced Tarot and
the Secrets of Card Readings

Handling evil entities and
other disturbing beings

– rituals and ceremonies


Yin & Yang, transformation and freedom

Darkness Divine – Yin Power

Advanced Magic – Yang Power

Transformative Healing

Mediumship and methods
for liberating lost souls

– impeccability and freedom
with guest lecture
by Lorraine Voss



4 WEEK COURSE TIME (in total)
550 Euro incl. 25% VAT

*BLOCK 1 – 3
with other participants
3750 EURO incl. 25% VAT

*BLOCK 1 – 5
with other participants
7750 EURO incl. 25% VAT



A certain stability in life. You don’t have to be super successful, but have something to stand on. Basic kindness, otherwise the work is too complicated. Willingness and ability to put in the necessary work. A genuine interest in personal development as well as the course curriculum.

Do you want to be a part of the shift?

The course starts on the 11th of November 2024. To register your interest in participating, please send an email to the faciliator Susan Florries. Read more about Susan below. You are also most welcome to reach out via mail if you have questions or feedback.

Book a free 30 min meet and greet with Susan

If you are interested in the 4 (advanced) or 8 (facilitator) month package, you can book a free, 30 min video call with Susan, the course facilitator. Use the booking calendar at Spirri or send a mail

There’s a limit to the number of attendees, so if you are interested, get in touch!
There will be ca 15-20 spaces available for the Novice part of the course, ca 10-12 for the Advanced part, and ca 5-7 for the full Facilitator program.

For the 4 month as well as the full 8 month course, payment plans are possible.
A PDF with the schedule and full course program will become available in October 2024.

Practical details and FREE Masterclass

As an introduction to Shift into Power, a FREE Masterclass will take place on the 21st – 23rd of October. It is not obligatory to participate in the Masterclass to take part in the course.

The course itself starts on the 18th of November, continuing into 2025. A timetable with details on all blocks and modules will be posted here below soon. The schedule allows for full time work or studies on the side, but will require focus and dedication. There will be breaks between the different blocks and modules.

Participants can join in for 1, 4 or 8 months, plus breaks. For attendees of the two longer course periods, private sessions and supervised exchange with other students are included. The whole experience takes place online via Zoom, in English, with the possibility to ask questions in Swedish, German and Spanish.

The session exchange between participants will be supervised by the course facilitator, Susan Florries (read more about Susan below). A safety net is provided, so that possible mishaps can be resolved quickly.

Meet the facilitator, Susan Florries

Hi! Good to connect!

My name is Susan Florries. I’m a storyteller, Spiritual Facilitator, authenticated shamana and Empowerment Coach. I’ve held workshops on life development and spirituality since 2016 and given private, transformational sessions since 2003. I’m also a film maker, performer, poet and passionate dancer.

I was born in Stockholm, Sweden on the 11th of January in 1977. I have been what is called spiritual since then. A part of this has meant seeing and experiencing much love, compassion and beauty, but also an awareness of the pain and struggles in the world, in a way which differs from that of most people.

I can for example see and/or communicate with beings from other dimensions, as well loving and helpful as evil or destructive. Very early in life I also observed how even loving, amazing people around me abused and sometimes attacked one another energetically. I remember strongly how I as a young child promised never to act like that.

I did my best to stay true to that promise, sometimes failing, which lead to therapy and much spiritual practice. Creativity, like storytelling, film making, dance, singing and writing poetry also helped.

Now, after 25 years of hard work and education, I am a shamana, authenticated by a respected teacher. I do not work with medicinal plants – I have other ways of sharing changes of consciousness.

I also have two diplomas in Reiki, knowledge of various forms of healing, Feng Shui, tantra, tarot, magic, witchcraft (good) and I love sharing wisdom and inspiration through transformative storytelling. Furthermore I have developed several of my own methods and I also specialized in organizational development.

In the year 2000, I graduated from Stockholm Film School. My university studies were focused on Sociology, but also included Film and Theatre science, as well as the History of Science and Ideas.

More info about me, my work and art on and @

Meet the
guest lecturers

Daniel Schatzdorfer

Dance Master, Kung Fu practitioner, workshop and men circle facilitator, artist and musician

Singer, dancer, sculptor, painter, meditator, masseur – Daniel is a man of many crafts, who also studied History of the Arts.

As a dedicated dance instructor with over a decade of experience, he leads workshops, organizes events as well as courses and is an essential part of Ecstatic Dance Vienna.

His expertise lies in fostering body awareness, deepening breathwork, enhancing joint mobility and facilitating energetic communication through movement.

Originally from Germany, Daniel now lives outside Vienna, Austria.

Mona Al Gaia

Multidimensional vocal medium, healer with voice, mentor for vocal mediumship and vocal awareness for self-determination

Mona Al Gaia founded the VoicEvolution Academy and accompanies people to follow their soul voice, stand up for their soul light and explore the truth within themselves. She also trains individually and with spiritual guidance those who feel the calling in their hearts to become a voice medium for the light of humanity. She works multidimensionally with, among other things, thetahealing, thetatoning, vocal constellations, trance, hypnosis, light work with voice & vibration medicine, the connection to cosmic sound. She continually explores the infinite cosmos of the voice. She opens up spaces of experience in her academy, in retreats, concerts, individual sessions and workshops.

As a qualified singer, dancer, musician, educator and all-round artist, she creates and lives her GAIA music and inspires her audiences worldwide. Since her childhood, Mona has always naturally been a messenger of light for the planetary soul EARTH. With ease she has the gift of reminding the human soul of what it means to be ‘a loving human’ on MAMA GAIA. As nomad and a bridge builder, she repeatedly represents the vision: Unity in Diversity is the art of Nature. Learn from the diversity of life.

Inform yourself more:

Lorraine Voss

Medicine woman, author and spiritual warrior

As an elder, a woman of medicine and a true warrior, Lorraine will come and share some of her deep knowledge and awesome presence with us towards the end of the course. 

She is the author of The Toltec Path: A Warrior’s Perspective on Ancient Knowledge and Becoming Awareness. You can also find some of her earlier writings on her blog

Lorraine earned her PHD in Philosophy and lives in Arizona, USA.